What is this about

It's about empowering people to get involved in protecting our planet.

We are building your one-stop sustainability hub. The goal here is to :

  • empower people all over the world to contribute to the sustainability of our world;
  • grow awareness around the delicate climate change topic;
  • become a marketplace for sustainable people such as yourself;
  • showcase your efforts to the world;
  • simplify and ease the process on how you can contribute directly or indirectly;
  • reward you for your beneficial actions.

And to summarize, we plan to have a revolutionary approach to the sustainability of our planet via our App. And YOU are at the forefront of this movement.

Stick around to find out many other interesting things we do

Our App

The App will store your data in a confidential matter, adressing existing GDPR requirements and you can monitor your progress.

The App is designed to easily help you record sustainable activities such as planting trees, recycling plastic and much more.

Should you wish to, the App is also capable of recording your donations for the Team behind this project or facilitate donations to our NGO/NPO partners and their respective projects, plans and events.

Last but not least, the App will track your effort against other climate-friendly people by setting up a leadership board all for the benefit of a greener and sustainable world.

Our Progress 


Trees planted


Country presence



X tons

Recycled plastic

X $

Worth of sustainable items purchased

Onboarded partners